Tag Archives: sermon

My Sermon Outline 2 – Miracles

This one also got 90/100 because of the same problem of not adhering to outlining guidelines but the pastor wrote, “Excellent sermon” at the end of it.

Topic: Miracles

Title: Jesus could bless you beyond your expectation and perform miracles.

Scripture: Mark 6:34-44



In your fridge, there’s only two leftover drumstick and you have five pieces of bread.  How do you feed a family of five with that?  Easy, go to your pantry and grab as many canned vegetables or canned beans you have and make a winter stew.  Break up the bread into  cubes and deep fried them so it would be more filling.  Hopefully, you don’t have big eaters at home but if you have two hungry boys like mine, it’s most likely we would break out the instant noodles right afterwards.

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Filed under God vs World

My Sermon Outline 1 – Fear Not

For my preaching class, I get to do 3 sermon outlines and this is the first one.  I got 90/100 because it didn’t really follow the outline format exactly.

Topic: Christian behavior

Title: Fear Not.

Scripture: John 12: 42-46


(Prop – some homework paper in hand)

Do any of you parents regularly look over the homework and assignments of your child?  Do you read what the teacher mark and see if they have not written anything that doesn’t look right in them?  I do that even to this day for my two teenage sons.  If they get an A, I congratulate them, and if they get a C, I’ll go through them with a fine comb.

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Filed under God vs World